
* No one was willing to let their rocks go, and even managed to take it to their graves.
* A world without end allows a person to live only in a confinced sphere of discovery. Without a beyond, life becomes dreary and empty of meaning.
* People, in general, are just too smart for their own good, the fill up with the sense of “I” and “my” and think they're great because they’ve got all those legs.
* The only way for them to begin to is to become empty of all their opinions and all their cleverness and self-importance, those things that their “vulture hearts” fly high on.
* If we don't see all the harmful consequence of all our wrong views, however, we won't succeed on leaving them.
* They've got to open up their hands, to have but not to hold, to enjoy but not to possess.
* Only when they are completely tied up in suffering will they let go of their delusion and attachment. If they can still struggle away, they will not give up so easily.
* If you want to change anything, change your ignorance to wisdom instead,
* The world will then seem different but nothing in it will have changed.
* 1.must be mindful, sensitive to the truth that's always trying to get out attention if we only give it a chance.
* 2.trust the road you've walking on, don't waste your time looking for any shortcuts for there aren't any.
* 3.don't believe a word I say.
* When your see the whole world and everything in it like one huge banana peel that has no great value for you, then you'll be free to walk in the world without being moved, without being bothered, without being hurt in any way by all the various kinds of things that come and pass away, whether pleasant or unpleasant.
* We want to get rid of desire, and yet me must first have the desire to travel on the road to the end of the world.
* To look for peace in the world is to go on and on without end, just like the wheels of the cart. As long as your follow the world there is no stopping. As long as we follow our old ways, there is no rest.
* They who carry things think they have things but the one who has already dropped his rock looks on and only sees the heaviness.
* Happiness and unhappiness, please and sadness are like that they are all sources of suffering and wherever you grab them, they'll‘bite’ - just like a snake.

* 這書讀完後,讓人體會到要打破舊有的心智模式是有多麼困難的一件事情。書中的主角及其族人寧可一生扛著沈重的石頭,背著那彷彿宿命般的重擔,也不願嘗試要是放下了那沈重的負擔之後,能帶來怎樣的影響?
* 由此可見,即便肉體上的負擔有多麼沈重,也不一定就能夠讓我們放下心中既有的心智模式。如果主角並未遇到那位智者,或許也是一輩子都不會放下那塊石頭。

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